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Tree from a window, 2023

Created during a residency at Foundation BAD, this body of work explores the art of slowing down and noticing nature in your immediate environment. Over three months, I focused on painting a single tree outside my window, observing how changes in weather and time influenced what I noticed, as well as how my internal state shaped my perceptions. This series captures the myriad ways a single tree can transform throughout a few weeks and highlights the richness of details that emerge when we take the time to look closely, mirroring the different states we might experience ourselves.

When the trees start dancing (far)_edited.jpg

When the Trees Start Dancing, oil on canvas,  80 x 20 cm

Whooooooosh, oil on canvas,  100 x 120 cm

Sun in the leaves, oil on canvas, 120*80cm

Monday the 19th June

Bike bells and bird calls

Cars drifting past, sometimes with music

Basket balls bouncing

Wind rustling through the leaves

Kids playing (in the distance)

Doors slamming shut

Tuesday the 20th June

Trees shining, thick with water

Wednesday the 12th July


Wind in the branches

Sunlight bubbling through

Cold air

A lawn mower

Sounds of construction

A gentle breeze

The sound of leaves moving together

Sunday the 16th July


Nothing but the sound of wind.

Heavy rustling in the trees 

The feeling of things moving quickly,

things being cleared out, blasted with freshness.

Wednesday the 9th August


The wind blows and keeps blowing

The sun shines through only sometimes.

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