Shadows, 2023
"Shadows" was created during my residency at Azan Space in Sintra, Portugal. This series combines my observational works of trees with abstract compositions inspired by the disused farmland surrounding Azan Space. I highlight the eerie and mysterious nature of abandoned spaces overtaken by wildlife, showing how the absence of human presence makes us feel smaller and part of something bigger, beyond our grasp.
1. Tree Shadow, pen on paper, A4
2. Tree Shadows in green 1, oil pastel on paper, A4
3. Tree Shadows in green 2, oil and pastel on paper, A4
4. untitled landscape 1, oil on canvas paper, A4
5. untitled landscape 2, coloured pencil and pen on paper, A4
6. The shadows 1, oil on canvas paper
7. The shadows 2, oil on canvas paper
8. The shadows 3, oil on canvas paper
9. The shadows 4, oil on canvas paper